Our system for disability benefits are very simple: those who are genuinely unable to work recieve a full living wage. Any full-time carers for the disabled or elderly get the full living wage also.
Those with disabilites who would not fall under the above category (for example children with disabilities that do not require full time care) are eligible for a variety of subsidies and payments, whether that be for travel to and from hospital, or specialist equipment from home.
This system allows for the distribution of money to be more equitable, with those who need it most able to recieve it.
Unemployment for reasons besides heavy intellectual or physical disability can likely be resolved through a variety of schemes. However, there are always those who do not want to work, or earn their keep through legal means, or are, perhaps, jobless in the mid-term for reasons beyond their control.
Either way, the benefits system will work as such:
The jobless will live in council homes (if they do not reside in private homes they already fully own). Here they will be provided with a fair amount of food, electricity, water, gas, and any other living essentials. Household goods will be replaced if broken.
Each week each family will submit a comprehensive week of meal plans and will recieve tokens that allow for the purchase of said items, plus a handful of emergency food tokens.
Children and adults will both recieve cost-price NCI clothing, additional allowances will be given for children's birthday, Christmas gifts and Christmas foods. Children will have their school trips subsidised and so, too, wil their access to government music lessons and sports.
They will work for a mandatory minimum of 20 hours of week in work that helps the community, and have the opportunity for working extra hours in order to earn luxury items such as cigarettes, home decor, etc.
All in all, this system will ensure a basic lifestyle that is entirely liveable, but will encourage upward movement. There will be no possibility of being below the bread-line.
The unemployed will be closely supported to ensure they can get back on their feet as quickly as possible, and once they do they will be taught practical money management instead of being left to struggle through.
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